3 New Empowering Things I Am Doing This Spring

Spring is time for a fresh start. Whether it be the longer days, warmer weather, or fresher air, Spring days are some of the best days in my mind! Spring can also be a great time to try some new and empowering things. Today, I am going to share 3 new empowering things that I am doing this Spring. New season, more self growth, love, and empowerment!

***All photos from a recent solo outing to the US Botanic Garden, which offers several floral displays and gardens practically year-round.

1 – Solo outings: Sometimes, one of the most empowering things that we can do is to do things on our own. The other night, I was meeting my friend Shivani for dinner and drinks in Arlington around 7:30pm after she got out of class. In the week leading up to Shivani’s and I’s meet up, I kept seeing photos of the tulips at the US Botanic Garden right by the US Capitol Building EVERYWHERE on Instagram. And, well, my first thought was: why don’t I go see the tulips …. by myself?! It can be daunting to do something on our own at times, but it was such a nice feeling to simply get outside and do something for me and only me. I genuinely wanted to see the tulips alongside one of our nation’s most prominent monuments, so I did it! At the same time, I happened to catch the tulips and the US Capitol Building at golden hour which was STUNNING. The next day, I hung by a local pond near my house for an hour – it was so nice. I definitely want to plan more nights like the one I just had and will!

2 – Saying “no” to things I am either genuinely not interested in or it simply would take away from my time to recharge: One of the most powerful things that we can do as humans is to simply say “no”. In my high school and college years, I used to say “yes” to everything. Saying “yes” back in those days for me meant that I would be more so pleasing others and in the end maybe not even pleasing myself. My best friend Haley does something super incredible and I have given her kudos for it too: she says no to things because she is not interested or doesn’t want to spend money on it. How empowering is that? I look up to Haley in SO many ways, but the way she sets herself up to do what she wants to do with her time is such an incredible thing. The other day, I told my friend James that I did not want to go to Old Town Alexandria with him one night. I did not go because I needed the night off to recharge NOT because I didn’t want to go or see him, as James is a great friend of mine. I simply needed the time off to recharge. I’m proud of myself for setting that limit and I got nothing but applause from James. He is a blessing to have as a friend. Saying “no” is needed at times and is such an empowering thing to say.

3 – Not feeling bad for doing things that make sense for me and only me: I sometimes feel guilt if I accept a more social-related work invite but decide ultimately not to show. Somedays, on the day of those events, something else pops up in my personal or professional life or I simply need the time to recharge/am feeling “off” mentally. To myself and to you: there is NO need to justify or feel bad for any of those things. Life happens – that is just that. At the same time, I sometimes would feel sad if I’m single now when I could attempt to go on some dates or try a dating app or feel I’m missing out on social opportunities by living with my Papa as opposed to my peers. However, the fact that I am choosing to be single and work on myself makes the most sense for me right now. Does that mean I won’t ever date somebody or get married in the future? Not at all – the possibilities are endless. The same idea goes for living with my Papa. I LOVE living with my Papa and the time we have with our loved ones is limited, no matter their age. I would prefer to savor those special memories with Papa. And, guess what?! It makes the MOST sense for me. Doing what makes sense for me may not make sense for somebody else. That is OKAY. I’m going to choose what makes sense for me today and tomorrow and moving forward.

It is SO empowering to be able to create a new and empowering mindset this Spring. I always feel like I have a fresh mindset when Spring approaches, but this year I feel so empowered, too.

XOXO – Katie <3

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